† Dr. David Craighead (1924-2012)
Gloriæ Dei Cantores honors the memory of Dr. David Craighead, an organist and teacher for more than 50 years. David embodied the essence of a superlative teacher – encouraging, correcting, disciplining, and caring for his students, instilling in them the vision to carry on what had been entrusted to them, so they in turn could teach others. He was known by his students for a remarkable sense of humor, and his favorite self-description, “If there is anything for which I guess I am known, it’s helping you become more of who you already are.” For more than 20 years, David served on the Board of Reference of Gloriæ Dei Cantores, and appeared twice with his wife Marion on the faculty of “Master Schola” on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Dr. Craighead was Professor of Organ and Chair of the Organ Division of the Keyboard Department at the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, NY. During this time he was also organist of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Rochester. He played recitals at seven national conventions of the American Guild of Organists, and at International Congresses held in Philadelphia and in London and Cambridge, England. He was the first recipient of the Eisenhart Award for teaching excellence at the Eastman School and most recently was awarded an honorary fellowship in the Royal College of Organists, London, England.