Gloriae Dei Cantores has just finished state-side rehearsals for two concerts to be held on November 9 and 11th in two historic churches in Florence, Italy—San Miniato and Orsanmichele. The choir is part of a symposium called Florence and the Idea of Jerusalem. As well, this conference celebrates the 1000th anniversary of San Miniato. The choir has prepared a varied repertory including Gregorian chant, Renaissance motets by Morales and Marenzio, among others and the Salve Regina by contemporary composer Arvo Part. Also included will be anthems that continue the theme of New Jerusalem by Howells, Bainton, Jean Berger and a striking setting of Psalm 67 by the Latvian Eriks Esenvalds. This is an exciting opportunity for the choir to be part of this historic celebration, and we look forward to sharing our impressions.
Gloriæ Dei Cantores heads to Italy