As Advent approaches, Gloriæ Dei Cantores is preparing a service of Lessons & Carols for the season—something they have done for over thirty years. The music this year is particularly full of new delights and features the following pieces:
Immortal Babe, who in thine own way, Campbell
Joys Seven, Cleobury
My Lord has come, Todd
The Christ-Child, Jackson
Go Tell it on the Mountain, arr. Rutter
Song of the Shepherds, Roth
The Shepherd’s Carol, Chilcott
In the Bleak Midwinter, Esenvalds
Adam Lay Y Bounden, Skempton
Now We May Singen, McDowall
Awake, Awake!, Campkin
A number of these come from commissions by Stephen Cleobury, music director of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England. (Incidentally, they are celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the Service of Lessons & Carols this year!) You will notice familiar titles, but these are new (within the last ten years) and wonderfully creative settings.
We invite you to come this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. as well as tomorrow (December 1), where there is also an extended organ prelude beginning at 3:30 p.m. A Joyous Advent to you all!